Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wiki review

When I began my search for a wiki, I started out with early childhood wiki pages.  I didn't come across any, so I changed my search to the next best thing- kindergarten wiki pages.  I found this one- http://riverdalekindergarten.wikispaces.com/.  I began exploring the pages and soon discovered that this isn't what I was looking for, but thought it would give a good review.  I found that this is more of a bookmarking site that are organized into themes that different teachers in the district could use.  This didn't really serve a instructional purpose, besides linking to activities on each theme.  I believe that they could use Diigo or some other bookmarking site that would help these educators use a wiki more for instruction rather than bookmarking sites.

So I continued my search.... and come across nothing for kindergarten that was instructional focused.  So I changed my search to a 1st grade wiki page.  I was really searching for something instruction for the students and not just a communication tool for parents or other teachers.  So I found this wiki http://commoncoretasks.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/First+Grade+Tasks .  This is a math wiki, but the students have to write their answers to further explain their understanding.  This is a way that students can not only strengthen their math skills, but also their writing skills.  I really thought this documentation was great to see what tasks the children have completed throughout the year.  I think this wiki is great!  And I saw that they also have kindergarten and second grade as well.   

Have you found any wiki pages for early childhood?

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