Sunday, April 13, 2014

Glogster EDU- Web 2.0 tool

Glogster EDU is a web 2.0 tool that is an interactive design tool.  You can create online multimedia posters that can include text, graphics, audio, video, or web links.  

Students can use Glogster EDU  to make any kind of interactive posters.  At our center, we have a student that is star of the week.  I thought this would be a great idea to have the students make their poster online instead of a paper copy that we have to display.  This would be a better way to have parents help their student create online, instead of sending home a huge paper copy each week that they have to fill out and return.  

Please see the Glogster EDU that I created  about myself.

Here is a youtube video that will help you create your own Glogster.  Glogster EDU tutorial   


  1. I really like your use of Glogster in your Early Childhood center. Great idea! Thanks for sharing your example. It makes it easier for the viewer to really see its potential.

  2. I chose this as my new tool and didn't realize till just now that you chose it also. Your example is awesome! I love it so far. The students would be able to very creative with this and the ways to use it are endless. We are working on a unit called Journey to Freedom in ELA. I created a glog about Abraham Lincoln with a time line and video since we are studying him this week. I don't like that I can only do it for free for 30 days. One site I looked at, said Glogster EDU was free; however, that is not what I found when I created an account. Let me know if you know something about this. I'm going to create some glogs with my students as we finish out the year and then make a decision to whether I want to spend the money on it for next year.

  3. How cool! I could really see students enjoying making these posters in class and what a fun way for the parents of your students to make the posters. This tool can really allow students to become creative with their work.
