Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Twitter Chat


I participated in my very first twitter chat!  I did my research and found just the right chat (or so I thought). The chat I found was an autism chat based at LA Children's hospital.  Being an early educator, I knew that this would give me some great tips and tricks for Autism. So I put the date and time in my phone so I would not forget!  It was still 3 weeks away.... that would give me time to research other chats and make sure I knew what I was doing.

FINALLY... the sound of my phone.....and the reminder #AutismCHLAChat!!!   I was logged in and ready for go! I made sure my hashtag was in the right place and announced... my very first chat!  I had heard so much great information from my fellow peeps about how much information they gained during their chats.  I just knew this was going to be great!  As 6:30 pm came, an announcement came, there would be a guest person stepping in tonight-  Dr. Leslie Richard is a developmental behavioral pediatrician at CHLA.  Just what I needed more information in!!!  I'm so pumped for this!!!!

15 minutes in...... I was the only person interacting with the facilitator.   I asked some questions and was given no helpful information. I was told that I needed to get advice from a professional....wait.... I thought that this was a professional.  
45 minutes in.... I was still getting only warning red flag signs of autism.  I was hoping for so much more.  

I'm not going to give up.  I am still on the lookout for great early childhood twitter chats.  Do you know of any??   


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Glogster EDU- Web 2.0 tool

Glogster EDU is a web 2.0 tool that is an interactive design tool.  You can create online multimedia posters that can include text, graphics, audio, video, or web links.  

Students can use Glogster EDU  to make any kind of interactive posters.  At our center, we have a student that is star of the week.  I thought this would be a great idea to have the students make their poster online instead of a paper copy that we have to display.  This would be a better way to have parents help their student create online, instead of sending home a huge paper copy each week that they have to fill out and return.  

Please see the Glogster EDU that I created  about myself.

Here is a youtube video that will help you create your own Glogster.  Glogster EDU tutorial   

Friday, April 4, 2014

Social networking

Social Networking + Educator = Professional development

Funny Teacher Week Ecard: Height of social networking: Teacher: where is your homework? Student: I uploaded it on facebook & I tagged you!!
Image courtesy of http://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/MjAxMi0xMTBhM2ZiYTdkYzQ3NTgw

Social media can be a great way for educators to create PLN's to increase their knowledge in many areas.  Listed below are some social media that I have used.

Facebook: I have had a Facebook account for several years.  I believe that it is a great way to stay in contact with others.  I think that it would be great media to inform parents of dates and events within your school. I like that you can live miles away from family and friends and still stay in contact.  I am still searching for a way to use it more professionally and really build my knowledge. 

Pinterest:  Pinterest is a growing community of shared ideas and thoughts.  I have been a member about 3 years and continue to really enjoy the benefits of Pinterest, not only by finding new recipes and craft ideas, but also for links to new early childhood blogs that I enjoy reading.  I have searched and found many new ideas for teaching concepts in other ways that I know.  This can be helpful for reteaching concepts or just thinking of a "better way" to do something. I recently did a search on Pinterest for communication board ideas for autistic children.  I had an endless supply of new fresh ideas and links to create communication boards.  I have also found great packets of  common core curriculum ideas for teaching kindergarten math and ELA. These are creative ideas that my students love to do.  Pinterest seems to be an on going resource for new fresh ideas. 

Twitter:  The newest social media that I have started using is Twitter.  It took me awhile to get started using it, just because it was so different and seemed to be such an overwhelming place.  I started using Twitter a few months ago, but just started really "using" Twitter the past month.  I am amazed at the amount of professional articles that you can find on Twitter.  I really enjoy not only looking for early childhood resources, but also great faith based articles as well.  I believe that Twitter has the best options professionally.  Don't have a Twitter account?  Feel free to roam around online and just explore before you create an account.  I believe the best way to really get to use Twitter is just exploring with it!  

What kinds of social media do you like to use to stay socially networked?