Sunday, March 16, 2014


Twitter?  Tweets? Teaching?

Twitter can be an awesome PLN for educators.  Here are some main points that explain why Twitter can be used as such.

1. It's FREE!  What educator doesn't love free resources?
2.  Connections!  How else could you build connections with other educators all around the world?
3. Hashtags (for those of you who don't know it is also known as the # sign)  
4. Expert advice!  It's true..... teachers don't know everything, there I said it!   But we are the best at finding answers to things that we don't know.  Twitter can be a great tool to use for finding those answers.
 image source:

 After just a few short weeks of exploring Twitter, I feel like one of the best things that I did to learn more about it was to go to another person's Twitter page and just look.  I found out what tweets really are and how to do it myself, what things are "tweet worthy" and also if I really want to follow that person or not.  Wonder if I could copyright this as "Twitter stalking"?!?!?!  New to Twitter and tweeting, just give it a try!! 

Here is a link that I found that gives some great tips- Twitter Tips for Educators


  1. I still have not tried twitter yet but I heard over and over again that this is a good resource for teachers. My hope is that in the next week or two I will get the chance to dive into it to check it all out. Which do you find the most useful so far in your teaching career; twitter, edmodo, or facebook?

  2. I soo agree that the best way to figure it out is just to jump in. I have followed people and then unfollowed them, I have tweeted and then deleted tweets ... it's a learning process! Twitter is a wonderful way to get connected with other experts, companies, and information sources. Definitely worth trying!

  3. Amanda, I really like that you said "teachers don't know everything, but that Twitter can be a great resource for learning." I completely agree! Because of Twitter, I feel like I can stay on top of the information that I choose to stay up on (by people I follow, links I select, etc.) It really is a great tool!

  4. I too just had to kind of jump right into Twitter to figure it out. It is a great tool to network with other educators, find articles, classroom tips and much more. I like how it incorporates today's tools; more of an up-to-date version of a newsletter. Just quick tips and other means of information that are useful to whatever topic you are searching. The more I play around with it, the more I like it!

  5. I agree with you (and with others who have already agreed) that jumping in is the best way to get comfortable with Twitter. I have had an account for over a year, but I've never taken the time to peruse and "stalk" :). This week I was able to find TONS of educational users, a few of which post on a regular basis which makes viewing Twitter on a regular basis interesting for me. I am still trying to get the hang of what I consider "tweet worthy." Most of what I have posted this week has just been retweets of things I found interesting from others I follow. I plan to branch out a little bit more this week and try to post some new information, links, etc.
