Back to the blogging world for me! I really enjoy blogging and reading others blogs, but for some reason..... I don't ever have time! So let's try again!!!
I am beginning a new class for my MET master's classes. This class is focused on technology and literacy! I am so excited!! Literacy is my favorite aspect of teaching!!!! I love to read and I love to share that love with others, and create that love in my students. I am excited to learn new ways that I can combine my love for literacy and my love for technology to better benefit my students.
My biggest take away this week came from the Solutions Book. I never really thought about it, but students not only have to learn how to read and write, but they also have to learn technology. And then using both of them together and how to make literacy and technology combine... WOW!!!! I honestly believe that using the 2 together can make learning so much more fun and easier! When I was a kid, books rarely came to live.... unless I had a teacher that knew how to do read alouds creatively! Now the books can come to life for the students, with the use of technology! And just imagine, no more workbook pages for practice, but now IPAD apps and games to learn and practice with!!!
So what do you think?? Does technology help or hinder the learning? Does it make it more difficult?
Also... don't forget to check out my introduction post! It is the 1st one of this blog!!! And check out my website to see a little more into my teaching world: